Gilles Loiselle, PC OQ, OLHI’s first Chair of the Board of directors passed away on September 29, 2022. We want to offer our sincerest condolences to Mr. Loiselle’s family and recognize his contributions to our organization.
Between 2002 and 2005, Mr. Loiselle, brought his extensive experience as a journalist, public servant and federal minister to guide our organization as it launched and commenced its operations. His contributions laid the solid groundwork for the free, independent and impartial alternative dispute resolution public service OLHI has provided Canadian life and health consumers for the past twenty years.
At the onset of his tenure as OLHI Board Chair, Mr. Loiselle, stated:
“When in 2002…the industry took steps to strengthen the OmbudService by creating a separate legal entity with its own Board of Directors and an enhanced capacity to issue reports with non-binding recommendations if necessary, I agreed with pleasure to chair this exciting new entity.”
OLHI would not be where it is today without Mr. Loiselle’s early leadership. We are grateful for his time with our organization.